ALCC Copyright for Corporate Libraries Session 28 July
As an extension to ALCC copyright PD
sessions being held in Perth this month, ALIAWest in partnership with
AGIA have organised a session which focuses on copyright issues specific
to corporate libraries.
Copyright touches on almost all areas of practice in libraries and
archives, yet many do not feel confident in dealing with it on a day to
day basis. This session will deal with questions such as:
- When can a corporate library make use of Research & Study provisions?
- Can a corporate library request interlibrary supply of copies of items?
- What copyright issues should corporate libraries consider when downloading from the internet?
Presenter: Trish Hepworth, ALCC
Date: Tuesday 28 July 2015
Time: 7:30am light breakfast, 7:45-9:15am brief presentation followed by scenarios
Venue: Kimberley Room, State Library of Western
Australia. Early Access via Francis Street (more detailed instructions
to follow upon registration)
Cost: $5 for ALIA and AGIA members
Register at
About the Australian Libraries Copyright Committee
The Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (ALCC) provides free
copyright training to member organisations and their employees – ALIA,
NSLA, CAUL, NLA, AGLIN, NAA, CAARA and Aust Soc Archivists.
The Australian Libraries Copyright Committee is the primary policy
body for the discussion of copyright issues affecting Australian
libraries, with major members comprising the Australian Library &
Information Association (ALIA), National and State Libraries Australasia
(NSLA), Council of University Librarians (CAUL) and National Library of
Australia (NLA), and supporting members Australian Government Libraries
Association (AGLIN) Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) and Council
of Australasian Archives and Record Authorities (CAARA).