QUT Information Studies hosted
an online seminar on “Shaking up organisational culture“
Library and information organisations need to
radically rethink the way they do business to ensure their long
term relevance. One powerful way to enact change is to invest
in developing a positive, energising organisational culture
that encourages creativity, recognises raw talent, and gives staff a
space to contribute to the organisation’s direction. Mal Booth,
University Librarian at University of Technology Sydney gave practical
insights on how to create the kind of organisation everyone wants to work
for. Mal was joined by a panel of leaders from across Australia,
including Kim Tairi (Information Services Manager,
Prahran, Swinburne University Library), Ruth Baxter (Manager, Collection Access,
University of Melbourne) Constance Wiebrands (Manager, Library Collections and
Access, Edith Cowan University Library).
Highlights of the seminar and tweets are below:
- Becoming extraordinary
- Adopting social media strategies does not automatically
mean organisational cultural change.
- Connecting people, knowledge and culture at the heart of
the campus – we can no longer be neutral and passive or we will close
- Move onwards from neutral space towards more inclusive
terms e.g. welcoming space, engaging space.
- We are not just about searching we are about discovery.
- We are not Google – Google are Google – We are
something else
- Technology is not a solution, it is an enabler.
- Libraries are not the controllers of knowledge, but
participate with the customer in discovering knowledge.
- There is still a very real role for librarians as
assistance in navigation, discovery and adding relevant context to info
- We should adopt a new and different service model –
devise our own service model – look at what service model would suit your
- Allow staff to make mistakes – place some trust in
them. Engage staff … encourage collaborative participation from
all staff and encourage participation and experimentation. Work
together and share ideas and knowledge.
- Accept no negative feedback unless it comes with a way
to avoid it.
- Managers should model good behaviour and lead by
- Don’t be afraid to fail.
- Forge connections with outside partnerships.
- Everybody in the library has a role in building
- Change is constant – are your systems set up for you to
be innovative?
- You cannot change an organisation’s culture on your own
… identify your fellow change agents and pick your battles. Be
clear about what you want to do and what you are looking to change.
- If you have been hired as a change agent then make sure
there are others there who have your back … the support is so important!
- Look to leaders and mentors – look to your PLN,
use your social media connections, learn from their successes and
failures. Get different perspectives.
- Don’t let failure stop you from trying new things.
- Swinburne believes in shared leadership and growing
- Libraries are currently too obsessed with perfection and
- Knowledge is about more than information, it is about
exciting curiosity.
- Hire some students and encourage them to tell you stuff
and listen.
- Libraries need to adapt to advance. It isn’t just
the role of the Liaison Librarian to connect and engage.
- Sometimes within the same library there can be different
values in different sections – find a way to get them to share same
- Create a design culture not just copying others. Design
for users.
- Space for play and creativity for staff creates
innovation, energy, reduces SILO mentality e.g artist in residence.
- Develop some kind of performance development reward –
reward for success.
- Join a creative group outside of the profession … get
ideas from outside.
Zaana Howard has put together a curation of the
tweets here