Now that March has rolled around, it’s time for
another NewGrads in the Pub. I’ve heard from a few people that
Greenhouse is a great place to go, so I figure we should give it a
What: NewGrads in the Pub
Where: Greenhouse (100 St. Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000)
When: Wednesday 30th March from 17:30
Cost: Naught but your own drinks
RSVP? None needed!
If you’re a first timer and you don’t know who to look out for, drop
me a line. I’ll send you a photo of myself and make sure that I keep
an eye out for you. As always, current LIS students are more than
welcome to attend.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there!
Matthias Liffers
ALIA NewGrads WA Regional Coordinator Number Three