LibraryCamp Australia 2011

by | Feb 14, 2011 | Uncategorized

LibraryCamp Australia 2011 is an independent non-ALIA event which ALIAWest would like to promote. LibraryCamp Australia 2011 is being held in Perth on 19 September 2011, 9am to 4pm at the State Library of Western Australia. This will be an unconference for anyone who works in, researches, uses or is interested in libraries, following the principles that session topics are set on the day and that everyone contributes in some way. It is being organised by volunteers and so far is being supported by generous sponsors: the State Library of Western Australia and Public Libraries Western Australia. Further offers of support to help feed hungry library campers are welcome. LibraryCamp Australia COSTS NOTHING to attend and only asks for enthusiasm and participation!
Are you a creative digital artist, photographer, icon maker, masher-upper or just a clever dabbler ? If so, use your talents for libraryland good.

LibraryCamp Australia needs a logo and would love you to make it. If your design is selected it will feature on the website, all publicity material and they will even be setting up a (profit-free) Cafe Press store so that people can buy
t-shirts and mugs and other goodies. Kim Tairi, librarian and brilliant fibre artist, will make for you your very own crocheted copy of the Library Camp logo or a hand-crocheted librarian. You will also receive a guaranteed place at LibraryCamp for you or a friend and our never-ceasing adoration.
The logo needs to be simple enough to work in black and white or colour and to be recognisable when it is a Twitter-friendly 48 pixel square. Since the logo may be printed on tshirts, it will also need a high-resolution copy that is at least a 2000 pixel square. It does not have to have the words “LibraryCamp Australia 2011” on it, but it can. It could incorporate the hashtag #libcampoz. It would need to be released under a Creative Commons- Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Australia licence . (
To enter, upload your image to Flickr, tag it with libcampozlogo, then use the form at:

COMPETITION ENTRIES CLOSE ON FRIDAY 10 MARCH 2011 and will be announced on SATURDAY 19 MARCH 2011 on the LibraryCamp Australia 2011 website
Any questions about the competition or the unconference, please contact Kathryn Greenhill (k.*********@cu****.au) or Hoi Ng (HN*@vi*****.au ) or Matthias Liffers (m.*******@mu*****.au)


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