Third day of Christmas

by | Dec 28, 2012 | Uncategorized

This time of year many folk take refuge in their public library as it is a nice cool place.  I wonder how many library folk have visited their public library this week? And I wonder how many library folk had to deal with crowded libraries this week due to the heatwave?  

This time of year many folk spend time catching up with family and friends.  I wonder if all of us library folk got the chance to spend quality time with family, friends or with our “adopted” families.

This time of year many folk spend money for Christmas and at the Boxing Day Sales.  I wonder how many library folk bought books for their loved ones or for themselves. 

This time of year many folk purchase gadgets as electronics are most popular as gifts.  I wonder how many library folk bought iPads, mini iPads, ereaders etc …. 


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