2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign in the early period of World War 1. The conflict and the sacrifice of Australian and New Zealand soldiers are remembered every year on ANZAC Day. The National Archives of Australia, State Library of New South Wales, National and State Libraries Australasia, along with archives, libraries and memorials from across Australia and New Zealand (Including SLWA) have collaborated to release WWI data for GovHack 2015 this weekend http://www.govhack.org/
SLWA has prepared 3 new datasets for use by those practising their data hacking skills.
• WWI Centenary Project https://data.gov.au/dataset/ wwi-centenary-project
• In Memoriam Cards https://data.gov.au/dataset/ in-memoriam-cards
• Adopt A Soldier https://data.gov.au/dataset/ adopt-a-soldier
These datasets along with some previously published sets are all available from the data.gov.au website https://data.gov.au/ organization/ statelibraryofwesternaustralia . In addition to this, SLWA has added a dataset information page to our website http://slwa.wa.gov.au/find/ datasets.
Catherine Kelso
Librarian: Data and Discovery
Thanks for spreading the word!