Forum celebrating 40 years of Information Studies at Curtin University

by | Oct 14, 2011 | Uncategorized

You are invited to a forum celebrating 40 years of Information Studies at Curtin University, discussing the question “Are Information Studies programs in Australia meeting the needs of the profession and our students?”.

The soon to be published ALTC report, Re-conceptualising and Re-positioning Australian Library and Information Science Education for the 21st Centuryfocuses on students, employers and educators. This forum will look at the findings of the report for students and employers. It will include a summary of what will be in the report, responses from students and employers plus panel and audience discussions.

The report home page, which includes published discussion papers, is here:

Speakers include Chris Richardson, Paul Genoni, Barbara Combes, Con Wiebrands, Lorraine Bradshaw, Molly Tebo and Megan Raison.

DATE: Friday 21 October 2011

TIME: 9 a.m. for 9.30 start until 12 noon

VENUE: Council Chambers, Curtin University: Bldg 100 see map:

PARKING: Free in green bays


COST: Entry by gold coin donation to Information Studies Alumni Scholarship Fund

RSVP: Gaby Haddow: g.******@cu****.au BY WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER 2011


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