ALIAWest invites you to our first event of the year celebrating women in leadership. Step into her shoes as she describes to you her climb, her blisters, her 'feet up' moments.Guest Speakers:Pilar Kasat | Just completed her PhD which...
A day in the life of a Special Collections Manager
The ALIA Academic & Research Libraries (WA) group is excited to invite you to their next event: A day in the life of a Special Collections Manager! Date/time: Monday 20th August 2018, 5.15pm for 5.30pm start Venue: Law Library (building...
Call for speakers: Diversity and Inclusion Conversation
ALIAWest is seeking expressions of interest for speakers to be part of ourDiversity and Inclusion Conversation event in mid-July. What we’re looking for If you’re running a programme / event / partnership / activity at your library that...
Ask & Answer Club: ALIA “Big Tech, Big Ideas” event, Thursday 26th April
Big tech can mean big ideas. What should we expect from the development and evolution of technology over the coming years, and how might it impact on what we do and the way we do it? Telstra's Head of Technology, Andrew Scott, will share ideas...
CURTIS Speaker Event – ALIA HLA Chair Ann Ritchie
Would you like to know more about health librarianship? Maybe you are unsure of what a health librarian actually does, the type of roles, functions and responsibilities expected of them? Maybe you would love to hear about challenges and...