One game. One winner. ALIAWest has challenged WALT, RIMPA & AMaGA to a Bowling Battle. They said YES!You are invited to join the ALIAWest team or join the WALT, RIMPA & AMaGA team to decide who bowls best on Sunday 17th October 2021,...
Save the date: Bowling Battle
One game. One winner. ALIAWest has challenged WA GLAMR Groups to a Bowling Battle! Mark it on your calendars: Sunday 17th October 2021 at 2pm you are invited to join the ALIAWest team or join the challengers’ team to decide who bowls...
ALIAWest Midyear Social
ALIAWest is having a social lunch on Saturday 26 June at The Royal in Perth. We invite everyone to join us for a catch-up. We will save your seat via
Icebreaker 2021: In Her Shoes
ALIAWest invites you to our first event of the year celebrating women in leadership. Step into her shoes as she describes to you her climb, her blisters, her 'feet up' moments.Guest Speakers:Pilar Kasat | Just completed her PhD which...
Icebreaker 2021: In Her Shoes
What passions led to her choices, To forge, uncover truths. What prompted her responses? One must walk in her shoes. The forks in her path are many,...