ALIAWest Report Back Meeting Feedback
Great Southern Room,
State Library of WA
State Library of WA
28th September 2016
28th September 2016
The ALIAWest
Report Back Meeting commenced with drinks, nibbles and a chance to chat at
Report Back Meeting commenced with drinks, nibbles and a chance to chat at
The 15
attendees were well informed by speakers Vanessa Johnson, Stephanie Musk,
Jessica Madureira and Andrew Kelly.
attendees were well informed by speakers Vanessa Johnson, Stephanie Musk,
Jessica Madureira and Andrew Kelly.
attended the ALIA National Conference and her favourite speakers included:
attended the ALIA National Conference and her favourite speakers included:
Sabine’s 23 (research data) things: creating opportunity in an increasing data
driven world; -
Weaver’s Library Carpentry workshop, Barbara Shack’s Libraries without borders,
and -
Torney, whose background in media made a very entertaining presentation.
Vanessa also presented her own ˈBig
data, small libraryˈ.
data, small libraryˈ.
the 82nd IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Ohio. Stephanie felt a downfall was missing
sessions of interest due to a clash in times.
Stephanie participated in the Great Public Library Tour, visiting 21
libraries and 9 library systems. She
extended her time after the conference, and managed to take a whopping 2,000
photos in three weeks!
Convenor, Kym Andrews, posed the question “What would you bring back to your
library?”. Stephanie replied, “Wi-Fi at
events, or make Wi-Fi permanent in parks”.
Stephanie also discovered a wonderful shoe shop in her travels. Sharing her photos and wearing a lovely pair of
shoes purchased from the shop created much delight and discussion in the room!
Jessica is
the recipient of the 2016 Kay Poustie Scholarship Award. Jessica presented her poster ˈInnovation:
flick the switch on!ˈ at the 82nd IFLA World Library and Information
Congress. Jessica commented there was
bad and good to presenting a poster. A
few ˈbadsˈ included: Presenting a poster takes time away from attending
sessions of interest, and no coffee, pit-stop or lunch breaks! However, the
good was it was a great experience, and a fabulous networking opportunity made
worthwhile by the people she had met. Jessica
discovered many service variances on the Great Public Library Tour between the
libraries she visited, her highlight was visiting the Thompson Library at the
Ohio State University.
Andrew was
the Convenor of ˈThe Unexpectedˈ, ALIA’s WA Symposium. Andrew intended the symposium to be more
about meeting people, focus on sharing ideas, and creating links between the different
libraries. Andrew chose papers that
would create discussion, and decided to email the papers to attendees which
would assist with posing questions to the speakers. While questions were asked throughout each
session, the open forum discussion created an atmosphere of camaraderie. Andrew learned that the next symposium should
allow more group chat time. Andrew’s
survey resulted in 50% of participants responding; participants enjoyed the
engagement. Well done Andrew!
the Convenor of ˈThe Unexpectedˈ, ALIA’s WA Symposium. Andrew intended the symposium to be more
about meeting people, focus on sharing ideas, and creating links between the different
libraries. Andrew chose papers that
would create discussion, and decided to email the papers to attendees which
would assist with posing questions to the speakers. While questions were asked throughout each
session, the open forum discussion created an atmosphere of camaraderie. Andrew learned that the next symposium should
allow more group chat time. Andrew’s
survey resulted in 50% of participants responding; participants enjoyed the
engagement. Well done Andrew!
concludes the notes on the ALIAWest Report Back Meeting.
concludes the notes on the ALIAWest Report Back Meeting.