Curtin University Library was announced last night as the 2013 winner of the Library Board of Western Australia Award for Excellence at a function at the State Library during Library & Information Week 2013.
The University’s Virtual Bookshelf technology provides Curtin clients with a convenient browsing experience combining both physical and virtual book collections into one seamless display. As libraries purchase more digital books, while decreasing the number of physical books, it is difficult to promote these new resources to clients. This technology enables the library to showcase all collections in a bright, attractive way.
This experience will soon be made available to library clients throughout Australia and internationally, with Curtin making the technology freely and openly available to others. The site can be found at
The Eaton Community Library was also recognised with a Highly Commended Certificate for their Books Alive event, which promoted the value and pleasure of reading and sharing stories with children of all ages.
Chairman of the Library Board, Dr Margaret Nowak, congratulated the nominees saying, “We received a record number of nominations this year and they showcased a great deal of exciting work going on in the Western Australian library community, and all fulfilled a need for their clients”.
She called on library managers in all library sectors to continue to nominate achievements in future years.
The Award recognises excellent achievement relating to the provision of library services by any person, library or organisation in Western Australia. It carries prize money of $5,000.
The Fellowship of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) was awarded to Carol Newton-Smith for her outstanding contribution to the library profession.
Ruth Campbell-Hicks, Principal Librarian at the Shire of Harvey Library, was awarded the Kay Poustie Scholarship to visit Canada, USA, Ireland and Norway to explore successful early literacy programs for children aged from 0-6 years.
For further information please contact: Karen de San Miguel on 9427 3151.
The State Library of Western Australia is located in the heart of the Perth Cultural Centre. It preserves and provides access to Western Australia’s published heritage and original historical records. The State Library also provides numerous on-line and e-resources, many of which are accessible from home using your public library membership. To see what else the State Library has to offer please check out the State Library’s web pages at