The Great Library Quiz 2016

by | Oct 25, 2016 | Uncategorized

The Great Library Quiz is back 

for another year!

Do you enjoy proving how many random factoids you know? Do you like supporting
great causes?

This quiz is the end of year event for ALIAWest and is also supported by the State Library. Funds raised will be split between the Kay Poustie Scholarship and the Sharr Award Fund. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends in the profession and make new ones. Better yet, there will be prizes to be won.

a table together, bring some food and beer/wine/soft drinks and put your
thinking caps on.

May the best and brightest team win!

some spare change as there will be between round games that you can take part

Where: Great Southern Room, State Library of WA

When: Thursday, 1 December, 6pm for a 6.30 start (ends approx 9.30)

Why: For fun and to raise money for great library related causes

Who: Library people and library lovers. 8 people per table, so bring your

How much: $10 per head collected at the door ($5 goes to Kay Poustie
Scholarship, $5 to Sharr Award Fund)

Registration required, so click HERE to reserve your seat.


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