The ALIAWest committee has an exciting event planned for this Thursday. We have a special guest, Damian Lodge, the ALIA president visiting us from the Eastern States for a Q & A session where attendees can ‘Ask ALIA anything!’. Come along with your big ideas and questions to put to Damian for comment and consideration. What do you want to see changed? What are the real issues you are currently facing in your place of work – get ideas on how to tackle these issues.
We also have three librarians who are working in non-traditional roles talk about their careers and career paths:
Claire Fletcher – Murdoch University as Senior Librarian, Subscriptions.
Bonnie Rae Bruce – Titles Coordinator, Chevron Australia
Lorraine Bradshaw – Marketing Manager and Chief Staff writer for Treble7
Bonnie Rae Bruce – Titles Coordinator, Chevron Australia
Lorraine Bradshaw – Marketing Manager and Chief Staff writer for Treble7 |
Come along and network with your colleagues.
When? Thursday 23rd April
What Time? 5:30pm for a 6pm start
Where? Great Southern Room, State Library of Western Australia
How much? ALIA Members $5 Non-Members $10 Students – gold coin donation
Refreshments? Drinks and nibbles will be provided