The Great Southern Room at the State Library of WesternAustralia was teeming with people last night eager to find out who were the
recipients of the F A Sharr Medal, Library Board Award for Excellence and the
Kay Poustie Award.
recipients of the F A Sharr Medal, Library Board Award for Excellence and the
Kay Poustie Award.
The FA Sharr Medal
was awarded to Molly Tebo – Molly will be blogging for us soon on her
presentation “Enhancing access to Digital Collections” which won her the
award, so watch this space.
was awarded to Molly Tebo – Molly will be blogging for us soon on her
presentation “Enhancing access to Digital Collections” which won her the
award, so watch this space.
The Library Board Award for Excellence was awarded to
Fremantle City Library for their Outdoor Reading Room project. Julie and Helen from Fremantle Library will
also be guest blogging for us soon to tell us more about their winning project.
Fremantle City Library for their Outdoor Reading Room project. Julie and Helen from Fremantle Library will
also be guest blogging for us soon to tell us more about their winning project.
The Kay Poustie Award was awarded to Kirstie Nicholson of
Armadale Public Library. Kirstie will be sending us more information about her
travel plans to the UK and Scandinavia to find ways to improve our public
library service especially in regional WA.
Armadale Public Library. Kirstie will be sending us more information about her
travel plans to the UK and Scandinavia to find ways to improve our public
library service especially in regional WA.
For more photos of the event, take a look at our
ALIAWest Facebook page.
ALIAWest Facebook page.