day 25 of blog every day in June 2012

by | Jun 24, 2012 | Uncategorized

Library day in the life project 

The Library Day in the Life Project is a semi-annual event coordinated by Bobbi Newman  of Librarian by Day. Twice a year librarians, library staff and library students from all over the globe share a day (or week) in their life through blog posts, photos, video and Twitter updates.  

Round 8 took place during the week of January 30th – February 5th 2012. 362 Library workers around the world participated in this project.  Some filled in their details on the project web site while others blogged or tweeted about a day in their work life. If you search for the hashtag #libday8 you will see some amazing posts about why these library workers decided to capture a certain day in their life and share it with other librarians around the world.  It is a great way to learn what other library workers are doing out there.  

One of the blog posts that reached out to me during Round 8 was Dpgreen’s post on Day in the life of a Children’s and Youth Librarian.  Some of us think that our days are too boring to share with others but I think what may seem mundane to one person, may sound really interesting to another.  For example, a library manager who is constantly working on budgets during that week, may find it refreshing to read about a librarian who is doing story time.   

The next round for 2012 in coming up in July and it would be great to see even more Australian library workers on the list so why not join in?  Keep an eye on the web site towards mid July or keep checking into Biblia as we will promote it here.


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