Welcome to the second post of our series celebrating Library and Information Week 2019! This year’s theme is Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK), which focuses on 10 of the ways that library and information professionals promote and support TIK values.
In celebration of this year’s theme, the ALIAWest committee have prepared a series of blog posts reflecting on some of the TIK values. You can read our first post here, and learn more about all of the fabulous ALIAWest committee members on the 2019 Committee page.
We hope you enjoy our second post, and don’t forget to join in the conversation on Twitter using #LIW2019 and #ALIATIK!
Keeping abreast of new technology is tough. How do you equip yourself to educate others?
Reeti Brar
Mostly it is the fear of the “unknown” and “failure” which holds us back from experimenting with new technologies. I think we need to change our mindset and consider failures as learning experiences. I am neither a technophobe nor a technophile. I am somewhere in between, which helps me decide the extent to which I and others should embrace new technologies in recognition of individual learning needs. I am a visual and a kinesthetic learner and learn best by watching a demonstration and then undertaking an activity. After trialling a technology, I usually demonstrate it to others to settle their fears. This approach has worked for having others on board with change as they know what the technology entails and why it benefits them and the organisation.
Monique Aviso
This semester I was forced to do exactly this because of a unit exploring emerging tech in libraries. I love technology and I’m prone to abusing it! My main reason for engaging in it is so I can also guide my teenager. I try out many different apps and keep my favourite ones.
Lori Mansell
In my studies I have been coming into contact with a lot of, what is new to me, technology. The fear of learning new skills and dealing with technology was something that I had to overcome in order to begin this journey to work in the library profession. In learning and making myself play with this tech I found a new confidence in myself and the ability to actually be able to approach it without fear of failing or totally wrecking it. I am even helping others to learn how to use and access some tech and it is this aspect which I believe will help us all to become more tech savvy. While we are educating others we are also learning more ourselves and this is a circle of learning. I believe the most important part of the learning process is just to simply PLAY!
Camille Peters
I read material ranging from tweets to articles to books, and I watch videos. There is a wealth of information available and it does not take that much effort to find useful stuff. I also hang around people who are curious, willing to try new things, and willing to share their knowledge with others. It helps to push me to keep up with my peers and explore new things.
Come back to read last post for #LIW2019 on Friday!