Celebrate Excellence – Library and Information Week Awards 2015 #blogjune

by | Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized

Library and Information Week for 2015 was topped off by awarding those whose contribution to the LIS Community in Western Australia is invaluable.  We have some energetic people who are working on fantastic projects to steer our industry into the future.  We also have numerous volunteers who are willing to sacrifice some of their precious spare time for the benefit of our Australian Library and Information Association.  
The Kay Poustie Scholarship was awarded to Megan Sullivan from the City of South Perth who will use her scholarship to attend IFLA 2015 in Capetown, South Africa. Megan spoke about how she will explore the theme ‘engaging a range of diverse communities’ at the conference and a range of libraries within Africa. We can’t wait to see what she brings back to our community in Perth. 
A total of 8 ALIA Silver Pins were awarded by our new ALIA Board Director, Ghylene Palmer, to dedicated ALIA Committee members who have helped and engaged many throughout Western Australia. We are so lucky to have such dedicated volunteers on the committees of ALIA West, ALIA WA Library Technicians, ALIA WA Academic & Research Libraries and on the editorial board of Australian Academic and Research Libraries. The 8 Silver Pin recipients were Catherine New, Matthias Liffers, Pat Gianatti, Patricia Lam Sin Cho, Lyn Leslie, Lisa Billingham (in absentia), Gaby Haddow and Paul Genoni.
The Library Board of Excellence received many great nominations for their award this year. The City of Cockburn, represented by Lawley Yukich and his team, received an Honorable Mention for their web redesign project.
Lynne Vaultier and the team at Curtin University Library won the Library Board Excellence award for their exciting work on combining game design with information literacy. When accepting the award, Lynne made special mention of Karen Miller who coordinated the project for their Augmented Reality and Game Based Learning (AHEAD) program for high school students visiting their campus.

A huge thank you to the State Library of Western Australia foundation, ALIA and many other people who made this night possible. ALIAWest extends warmest congratulations to all the fantastic 2015 award recipients and nominations involved. 


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