Next Friday is the deadline for nominations for the F A Sharr Award (formerly known as the F A Sharr Medal).
This award recognises a new librarian, teacher librarian, or library technician who exhibits the most potential to make a significant contribution to the library profession in WA. The winner receives a $500 bursary to spend on professional development activities and the recognition of their peers.
The number of nominations has been disappointing in recent years and we would strongly encourage eligible graduates to nominate. Hiding your light under a bushel is modest but not very practical or career enhancing. Let your light shine!
If you are not eligible for the Sharr Award but know a colleague who is, why not volunteer to be a referee and encourage them to apply?
To nominate please provide:
- details of two referees
- a statement addressing the selection criteria
- a certificate of completion for your course
- your ALIA membership number
- your contact details
by Friday 8 April 2016
Further details are available on the website
Please contact al******@gm***.com, if you are interested in nominating and/or require further information about the F A Sharr Award.